Through its official Twitter channel, Nokia has announced the imminent arrival of the update Symbian Anna for some smartphones on the market. Here's the tweet of the northern European societies:
"Symbian Anna available this August for all existing Symbian^3 users.You can expect to see it shipping in N8/C7/E7/C6-01 this month."
Apparently, then, within the next month the owners of smartphones N8, C7, E7 and C6-01, four of the newer products marketed by Nokia, will enjoy all the benefits contained in the software Anna.
Symbian Anna resolves some bugs and problems found in earlier versions of the operating system and everything becomes more powerful and fluid than in the past. And This renewed a browser, a Nokia Maps faster and full QWERTY keyboard in portrait mode (holding the phone vertically) and the ability to scroll on the home page.
An update is very important, therefore, recommended that all holders of a smartphone among those who will be able to update itself, which gives new life to the terminal and a facelift that can only be good for a platform historic former market leader, which in recent years seems unable to keep pace with competitors. We'll see if users will appreciate the work done by developers and if Anna will live up to the Symbian market today.
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